Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Smithers, Release the Teenagers

breakingnews.ie tends to be fairly sloppy as a rule with their attention to detail; at least once a week they come up with a particularly inelegant phrase that soon disappears when someone who knows the English language reads it. This, though, will probably stick around, but in case it doesn't, the headline is
Teenagers freed in hunt for Polish man's killer
 The confusion -- if confusion there is for anyone except me -- revolves around the word 'in' and its relation to the word 'hunt'. It suggests a level of causation... but why am I explaining this? It's obvious.

Anyway, I suspect 'confusion' is too strong a word; while the sentence can be interpreted in two ways, there's really no doubt as to what the headline writer meant. Even so, it made me titter.

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